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Showing posts from October, 2020

First Learn, not to lose money!

  First Learn, not to lose money! As we all are discussing fundamentals, technicals in so many of our blogs and the motive of every blog are not only earning but focused on the minimization of risk. In the stock market, everything is rotating before and after stop losing money and managing your risk. The people who take the biggest risk and gamble on big money and luckily got success in the bull market always the one who hurt the most as they become overconfident due to the bull market and once he generates some income then he gambles in the bear market also and takes the much bigger bid and then loose the more than he earned in the bull market and after you lose money then you put harder and harder money into the markets again to cover those losses, until and unless you are not much lucky it would be a great series of disaster. We will understand some points which will help to learn, not to lose your money and not be a part of the above-explianed disaster : Know if stock is bottom out
